2022-12-11 19:37:56 +00:00

171 lines
5.9 KiB

label genies_christmas_wish_rewards:
# TODO: Add rewards
label genies_christmas_wish:
# Setup
# $ fireplace_OBJ.foreground = "fireplace_fire"
# $ phoenix_OBJ.decoration = xmas_phoenix_ITEM
# $ owl_OBJ.decoration = xmas_owl_ITEM
# $ fireplace_OBJ.decoration = xmas_fireplace_ITEM
# $ tonks.equip(ton_outfit_elf)
# $ hermione.equip(her_outfit_ribbon)
# TODO: Add decorations and outfits
stop weather
$ game.daytime = False
$ game.weather = "snow"
call room("main_room")
call play_music("stop")
show screen blkfade
with d5
centered "{size=+7}{color=#cbcbcb}Genie's Christmas Wish{/color}{/size}"
hide screen blkfade
with d5
play weather "sounds/wind_long_loop.ogg" fadein 2 fadeout 2
call play_music("anguish")
nar "It was the season of giving, in the world of sluts and magic."
nar "But the genie was alone."
nar "It sure was sad and tragic."
nar "Everyone was gone, as they had left for the Christmas holidays."
nar "No one left to see him wank, and to receive his cum on their face."
nar "No one left to drink with, not a single hole to fuck."
nar "Not even a sex doll, no hoovers to provide some suck."
nar "No teachers, no students, not even an elf."
gen "I wish I had that talent... Where you can suck off oneself."
nar "Sure, why not! A voice said."
nar "That's easy enough to do! It's Christmas after all, I'll make your wish come true."
gen "What?! My wish?!"
gen "No, that's not what I want!"
nar "Yelled the genie, and the wish spell came to a sudden halt."
nar "So the voice then asked him if they had understood him wrong."
nar "Is this not what you wished for... To suck your own mighty schlong?"
gen "Of course not, don't be stupid."
gen "I was merely following the rhyme."
gen "If what I truly wanted came true, this world would be cut in twine."
gen "Such as all men being gone! And for the women to be by my side!"
nar "Is this what you want?"
gen "No, just let me think..."
nar "I guess I'll wait until you decide..."
gen "Make all women into sluts!"
nar "Your wish will now be real!"
gen "No, wait!"
nar "Not again..."
gen "I didn't consider how that would make me feel..."
gen "If they were already slutty... Then what left is there for me to do?"
gen "The journey is just as important, as the act of woo-hoo!"
nar "Are all genies this indecisive?"
gen "Just give me a moment to think..."
nar "I've got places to be, you know."
gen "Quit stirring up a stink."
gen "You know what... I yield."
nar "What?"
gen "You heard what I said."
nar "You don't want a wish?"
gen "Knowing me, it would surely end up with me dead."
nar "But I have to grant you something. Or I have to stay here forever."
gen "Someone immortal to keep me company!"
nar "Now aren't you clever..."
nar "Is there nothing else that you want?"
gen "I wish for you to pick."
nar "Yeah, yeah, very funny... Don't be such a dick."
gen "Did I stutter, go on then. Pick the wish for me."
nar "Wait, you're serious?"
gen "As serious as I'll ever be."
nar "Alright then, let me think..."
gen "Not so easy now, is it?"
gen "Just pick whatever, I don't care. At least I had someone visit."
nar "I know what you need!"
nar "Just close your eyes for a bit."
gen "I ain't falling for that."
nar "Close your eyes, you little shit."
gen "You're not my dad."
nar "Genie said, but he still followed the command."
gen "No I'm not!"
nar "His eyes now shut, as they had been sprayed by magic sand."
gen "My eyes!"
nar "He yelled loudly... His vision now impaired."
gen "This better not be permanent!"
nar "He said, his tone sounding a bit scared."
nar "But his vision then returned, and he greeted by some new outlines."
nar "Two women in his office, and they were looking mighty fine."
wom1 "How did I get here?"
nar "Said one."
wom1 "I was just with my mum and dad."
nar "Confused and slightly worried, also sounding a bit sad."
wom2 "Now what is this outfit?"
nar "Said the other... Checking out the fit."
nar "Then she looked up at genie, who was finding it hard... to admit."
gen "I can explain!"
nar "Said the genie, in a stuttering voice."
gen "There was this magic thing... Like a ghost!"
gen "I swear I didn't have a choice!"
nar "The expressions on the women changed to angry and hurt."
nar "As they were in the middle of celebrations, what if they missed out on the dessert!"
nar "They then opened their mouths to give him a piece of their mind."
nar "But then the voice showed their presence, and answered their concerns in kind."
nar "You see your headmaster was lonely... it is Christmas after all."
nar "And I felt his heart aching, so I answered his call."
nar "A wish I then bestowed, so he would not have to feel so grim."
nar "But he could not clear his mind, and had me choose for him."
nar "As it's the season to celebrate, with the ones you love the most--"
gen "Love is a strong word."
wom2 "Don't mind him... Now, tell us the wish, ghost."
nar "I brought you two too him, well, a copy of you at least."
nar "The other one is still at home, enjoying a Christmas feast."
nar "The gift I give to you, is not having to choose."
nar "Once Christmas is finally over, no memories you will lose."
nar "The ones you make at home, the ones you make at school."
nar "Both will be intact..."
nar "Now, isn't that cool?"
wom2 "A copy of us at home, while we can have sex over here?"
wom1 "For how long will it last?"
nar "Let's make it the end of the year."
wom1 "Are you crying, sir?"
nar "One of them asked, as a tear escaped genie's eye."
gen "A Christmas filled with sex... Now that is enough, to make a grown man cry."
san2 "Merry Christmas!"
$ renpy.end_replay()