big work what was reliable before is now not, in recent versions of renpy, which is why we added that new config (which I put in say.rpy, but it can be moved somewhere else) Also fixes the game_menu's title position, incidentally some changes are incompatible with my diary and achievement branches, respectively, they will need to be merged with a bit of manual care
431 lines
17 KiB
431 lines
17 KiB
init python:
def inventory_sortfilter(item, sortby="A-z", filtering=None):
if filtering == "Owned":
item = (x for x in item if x.owned > 0)
# Always sort alphabetically first.
item = sorted(item, key=lambda x: natsort_key(
if sortby == "z-A":
item.sort(key=lambda x: natsort_key(, reverse=True)
elif current_sorting == "Available":
item.sort(key=lambda x: x.owned is True, reverse=True)
elif current_sorting == "Unavailable":
item.sort(key=lambda x: x.owned is False)
return item
default inventory_mode = 0 # 0 - Inventory, 1 - gifts
############# Menu #################
label inventory:
$ gui.in_context("inventory_menu")
jump main_room_menu
label inventory_menu(xx=150, yy=90):
# Inventory dictionary
if inventory_mode == 0:
inventory_dict = {
"Gifts": inventory.get_instances_of_type("gift"),
"Books": inventory.get_instances_of_type("book"),
"Scrolls": inventory.get_instances_of_type("scroll"),
"Ingredients": inventory.get_instances_of_type("ingredient"),
"Potions": inventory.get_instances_of_type("potion"),
"Decorations": inventory.get_instances_of_type("decoration"),
"Quest Items": inventory.get_instances_of_type("quest"),
elif inventory_mode == 1:
inventory_dict = {
"Gifts": inventory.get_instances_of_type("gift"),
"Potions": inventory.get_instances_of_type("potion"),
"Quest Items": inventory.get_instances_of_type("quest"),
items_shown = 36
current_page = 0
current_category = next(iter(inventory_dict.keys()))
current_filter = "Owned"
current_sorting = "Available"
category_items = inventory_dict[current_category]
menu_items = inventory_sortfilter(category_items, current_sorting, current_filter)
menu_items_length = len(menu_items)
current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)
show screen inventory(xx, yy)
label .after_init:
$ renpy.dynamic(__choice = ui.interact())
if __choice[0] == "select":
$ current_item = __choice[1]
elif __choice[0] == "category":
current_category = __choice[1]
category_items = inventory_dict[current_category]
menu_items = inventory_sortfilter(category_items, current_sorting, current_filter)
menu_items_length = len(menu_items)
if current_category == "Decorations":
menu_items = sorted(menu_items, key=lambda x:
current_page = 0
current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)
elif __choice == "inc":
$ current_page += 1
elif __choice == "dec":
$ current_page += -1
elif __choice == "sort":
if current_sorting == "A-z":
current_sorting = "z-A"
elif current_sorting == "z-A":
current_sorting = "Available"
elif current_sorting == "Available":
current_sorting = "Unavailable"
current_sorting = "A-z"
menu_items = inventory_sortfilter(category_items, current_sorting, current_filter)
menu_items_length = len(menu_items)
if current_category == "Decorations":
menu_items = sorted(menu_items, key=lambda x:
current_page = 0
if not current_item or not menu_items_length:
current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)
elif __choice == "filter":
if current_filter is None:
current_filter = "Owned"
current_filter = None
menu_items = inventory_sortfilter(category_items, current_sorting, current_filter)
menu_items_length = len(menu_items)
if current_category == "Decorations":
menu_items = sorted(menu_items, key=lambda x:
current_page = 0
if not current_item or not menu_items_length:
current_item = next(iter(menu_items), None)
elif __choice == "use":
elif __choice == "give":
if current_item.type == "gift":
if get_character_gifted(states.active_girl):
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "I already gave her a gift today. Don't want to spoil her too much..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
hide screen blktone
with d3
hide screen inventory
$, current_item)
show screen inventory(xx, yy)
elif current_item.type == "potion":
if not states.active_girl in current_item.usable_on:
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "(Something tells me this potion won't work on [states.active_girl].)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
nar "Perhaps in the future..."
hide screen blktone
with d3
elif not game.daytime:
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "(Some grander force tells me I should give it to her during daytime only.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
hide screen blktone
with d3
elif get_character_mood(states.active_girl) > 0:
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "(I don't think it's a good idea to give it to her when she's still upset with me...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(I should wait for her to calm down first.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
hide screen blktone
with d3
elif states.active_girl == "hermione" and not states.her.favors_convinced_stage == 2 and is_in_lead(gryffindor):
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "[name_hermione_genie], what would you say--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
her "I'm sorry professor but I don't need your help at the moment."
her "My house is already in the lead points wise."
gen "Figures..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
call tutorial("points")
hide screen blktone
with d3
inventory_mode = 0
elif current_item.type == "quest":
if not states.active_girl in current_item.usable_on:
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "(Something tells me I cannot give this item to [states.active_girl].)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
nar "Perhaps in the future..."
hide screen blktone
with d3
#TODO Add daytime check for buttplug give item event
#show screen blktone
#with d3
#gen "(Some grander force tells me I should give it to her during daytime only.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
#hide screen blktone
#with d3
elif get_character_mood(states.active_girl) > 0:
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "(I don't think it's a good idea to give it to her when she's still upset with me...)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
gen "(I should wait for her to calm down first.)" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
hide screen blktone
with d3
elif states.active_girl == "hermione" and not states.her.favors_convinced_stage == 2 and is_in_lead(gryffindor):
show screen blktone
with d3
gen "[name_hermione_genie], I have something for you--" ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
her "I'm sorry professor but I don't need your help at the moment."
her "My house is already in the lead points wise."
gen "Figures..." ("base", xpos="far_left", ypos="head")
call tutorial("points")
hide screen blktone
with d3
inventory_mode = 0
hide screen inventory
jump .after_init
screen inventory(xx, yy):
tag inventory
zorder 15
modal True
add "gui_fade"
use close_button_background
use close_button(key=["inventory", "game_menu"])
if settings.get("animations"):
at gui_animation
use inventory_menu(xx, yy)
use inventory_menuitem(xx, yy)
screen inventory_menu(xx, yy):
style "empty"
style_prefix gui.theme('achievements')
pos (xx, yy)
xysize (207, 454)
use invisible_button()
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/panel_left.webp")
pos (6, 41)
for category in iter(inventory_dict.keys()):
textbutton category:
style "empty"
xsize 195 ysize 16
text_xalign 0.5
if current_category == category:
background gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight_left.webp")
hover_background gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight_left.webp")
action Return(["category", category])
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer_left.webp")
# Gold & Tokens
null height 16
text "{color=#daa520}Gold{/color} {outlinecolor=#ffffff00}[]{/outlinecolor}" size 12 outlines [ (2, "#000", 0, 0) ] xpos 0.1 xanchor 0
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer_left.webp")
text "{color=#2055da}Tokens{/color} {outlinecolor=#ffffff00}[tokens]{/outlinecolor}" size 12 outlines [ (2, "#000", 0, 0) ] xpos 0.1 xanchor 0
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer_left.webp")
style_prefix gui.theme('achievements_filters')
pos (6, 384)
if current_filter is None:
textbutton "Show: All" action Return("filter")
textbutton "Show: [current_filter]" action Return("filter")
textbutton "Sort by: [current_sorting]" action Return("sort")
screen inventory_menuitem(xx, yy):
style "empty"
style_prefix gui.theme()
pos (xx+217, yy-53)
xysize (560, 507)
use invisible_button()
add "interface/achievements/inventory.webp"
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/panel.webp")
#Western Egg
button xsize 90 ysize 60 action Play("sound", "sounds/plushie.ogg") xalign 0.5 style "empty"
text "Inventory" size 22 xalign 0.5 ypos 65
#text "Unlocked: "+str(len([x for x in menu_items if x[1][3] is True]))+"/[menu_items_length]" size 12 pos (24, 70)
# Page counter
if menu_items_length > items_shown:
xanchor 1.0
pos (540, 24)
spacing 5
add "interface/page.webp" yanchor 0.5 ypos 53
text str(current_page+1)+"/"+str(int(math.ceil(menu_items_length/items_shown))) ypos 44 size 16
pos (570, 186)
spacing 10
idle gui.format("interface/frames/{}/arrow_up.webp")
if not current_page <= 0:
hover image_hover(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/arrow_up.webp"))
action Return("dec")
idle Transform(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/arrow_up.webp"), yzoom=-1)
if current_page < math.ceil((menu_items_length-1)/items_shown)-1:
hover Transform(image_hover(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/arrow_up.webp")), yzoom=-1)
action Return("inc")
# Add items
grid 9 4:
style "empty"
pos (24, 113)
spacing 10
for it_item in menu_items[current_page*items_shown:(current_page+1)*items_shown]:
style "empty"
xsize 48
ysize 48
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/iconbox.webp")
if current_item is not None and ==
add "interface/achievements/glow.webp" align (0.5, 0.5) zoom 0.105 alpha 0.7 at rotate_circular
add crop_image_zoom(it_item.get_image(), 42, 42, it_item.owned <= 0) align (0.5, 0.5)
style gui.theme("overlay_button")
background "interface/achievements/glass_iconbox.webp"
xsize 46 ysize 46
action Return(["select", it_item])
if it_item.limit > 1 and it_item.owned > 0:
if it_item.infinite:
text "{unicode}∞{/unicode}" size 20 align (0.1, 0.1) offset(-1, -9) color "#FFFFFF" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ]
text str(it_item.owned) size 10 align (0.1, 0.1) color "#FFFFFF" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ]
elif current_category == "Decorations":
if it_item.in_use:
add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-3, -3) zoom 0.5
elif current_category in ("Books", "Quest Items"):
if it_item.used:
add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-3, -3) zoom 0.5
if inventory_mode == 1 and (not it_item.givable or not states.active_girl in it_item.usable_on):
add "#b2000040"
if menu_items_length <= 0:
text "Nothing here yet" align (0.5, 0.5) size 24
if current_item:
style "empty"
xsize 96
ysize 96
pos (24, 375)
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/icon_selected.webp")
add crop_image_zoom(current_item.get_image(), 84, 84, current_item.owned <= 0) align (0.5, 0.5)
add "interface/achievements/glass_selected.webp" pos (6, 6)
if current_category in {"Gifts", "Ingredients", "Potions"}:
if current_item.owned > 0:
if current_item.infinite:
text "{unicode}∞{/unicode}" size 30 align (0.1, 0.1) offset(-2, -10) color "#FFFFFF" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ]
text "[current_item.owned]" size 14 align (0.1, 0.1) color "#FFFFFF" outlines [ (1, "#000", 0, 0) ]
elif current_category == "Decorations":
if current_item.in_use:
add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-6, -6)
elif current_category in ("Books", "Quest Items"):
if current_item.used:
add "interface/topbar/icon_check.webp" align (1.0, 1.0) offset (-6, -6)
if inventory_mode == 1 and (not current_item.givable or not states.active_girl in current_item.usable_on):
add "#b2000040"
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/highlight.webp") pos (112, 375)
add gui.format("interface/achievements/{}/spacer.webp") pos (120, 398)
spacing 5
xalign 0.5
text ypos 380 size 16 xoffset 45
$ frame = Frame(gui.format("interface/frames/{}/iconframe.webp"), 6, 6)
if (inventory_mode == 0 and current_item.usable) or (inventory_mode == 1 and current_item.givable):
textbutton "[current_item.caption]":
style "inventory_button"
background frame
xalign 0.89
xoffset 45
ypos 374
sensitive (current_item.owned > 0)
if inventory_mode == 0:
action Return("use")
elif inventory_mode == 1:
action Return("give")
pos (132, 407)
xsize 410
text current_item.desc size 12
style inventory_button:
xysize (90, 26)
hover_foreground "#ffffff1F"
style inventory_button_text:
outlines []
align (0.5, 0.5)
size 16 |