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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-05-01 22:38
translate chinese strings:
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2
old "Whose points is it anyway?"
new "天外飞来一分?"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2
old "Parody of the famous game show, \"Whose points is it anyway?\"."
new "模仿著名的游戏节目, \"天外飞来一句?\"."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2
old "Humorous"
new "幽默"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:2
old "Sexual"
new "性行为"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:12
old "The Genie, the desk, and the door"
new "精灵,桌子,和门"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:12
old "You try to figure out how people know when you call for them."
new "你试着弄清楚当传唤他们时,他们是怎么知道的."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:23
old "An odd circumstance"
new "奇怪的情况"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:23
old "You find yourself being confronted by a mysterious girl that seemingly seems to know you."
new "你发现自己遇到了一个似乎认识你的神秘女孩."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:23
old "Noir"
new "黑色幽默"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:34
old "A bad time to disrobe"
new "脱得不是时候"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:34
old "You get a hold of a invisibility cloak and put it to good use."
new "精灵发现了一件隐身衣,这件隐身衣带来了无数的机遇."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:34
old "Flashing"
new "裸露"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:45
old "A spaced out conversation"
new "断断续续的谈话"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:45
old "You and Snape get real for a little bit."
new "你和斯内普有点较真了."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:56
old "Booty at sea"
new "海上战利品"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:56
old "You imagine yourself a great pirate and replay your most intimate times with Hermione."
new "你想象自己是一个伟大的海盗,你要和赫敏度过一段亲密的时光."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:81
old "A Christmas Tale"
new "圣诞故事"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:81
old "A surprise visit in the time of need."
new "来得好不如来得巧."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:81
old "Seasonal"
new "节日"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:93
old "Santa's Little Helper"
new "圣诞老人的小小助手"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:93
old "The tall broody guy is about to get his present."
new "那个又高又多疑的家伙就要收到礼物了."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:105
old "Previously at Hogwarts"
new "霍格沃茨前情提要"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:105
old "Snape tries to find a solution to stifle his anger and finds himself yet again in the headmaster's office."
new "斯内普试图找到办法来抑制自己的愤怒,却发现自己又来到了校长办公室."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:116
old "Panty Raid"
new "内裤突袭"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:116
old "You ask Hermione to go out and collect other girls panties."
new "你叫赫敏出去收集其他女生的内裤."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:116
old "Fetish"
new "恋物癖"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:127
old "Eating for pleasure"
new "吃喝玩乐"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:127
old "You get hungry and decide to get something to eat."
new "你饿了,决定去吃点东西."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:138
old "Suck & Run"
new "边嗦边跑"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:138
old "Someone or {i}something{/i} is sucking the life force out of the students."
new "某人或{i}某种生物{/i}正在吸走学生的生命力."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:149
old "Biggus Dickus"
new "达基霸"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:149
old "Hermione comes to you with an odd request."
new "赫敏来找你,提出了一个奇怪的要求."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:159
old "A not so great escape"
new "一次不那么伟大的逃亡"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:159
old "You find yourself in a bit of a pickle."
new "你发现自己陷入了困境."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:171
old "A white Christmas"
new "白色圣诞节"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:171
old "Genie is not so happy with the narration and decides to take it into his own hands."
new "精灵对解说不大满意,决定自己动手."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:183
old "Blueballing bad"
new "绝命技师"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:183
old "In an alternate universe where Genie never followed his urges."
new "在某个平行宇宙,精灵并没有那么作恶多端."
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:195
old "Genie's Christmas Wish"
new "精灵的圣诞愿望"
# game/scripts/minigames/mirror/init.rpy:195
old "Did you get your wish this year?"
new "你实现你的愿望了吗?"