2023-11-15 20:42:40 +01:00

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## Getting Started
* **`dev`:** Active development occurs primarily on this branch, and occasionally on feature branches.
* **`current`:** This branch is dedicated to patches for the current public version.
* **`main`:** The main branch is exclusively for finalized game releases.
## Prerequisites
<li><a href="https://www.renpy.org/release/8.1.1" target="_blank">Download and install Ren'py SDK</a></li>
<li><a href="https://gitforwindows.org/" target="_blank">Download and install git</a></li>
### Install Ren'Py SDK
<pre><code>curl -o renpy-sdk.tar.bz2 https://www.renpy.org/dl/8.1.1/renpy-8.1.1-sdk.tar.bz2
tar -xjf renpy-sdk.tar.bz2
mv renpy-8.1.1-sdk /opt/renpy
chmod +x /opt/renpy/renpy.sh
echo "alias renpy=/opt/renpy/renpy.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc</code></pre>
### Install GIT, GIT-LFS
<pre><code>sudo apt install git git-lfs
git lfs install</code></pre>
## Installation
<li>Clone the repository:
<pre><code>git clone https://dev.silverstudiogames.org/SilverStudioGames/WTS.git</code></pre>
<li>Run Ren'py Launcher.</li>
<li>Hit preferences and select the directory where the project is located.</li>
<li>Hit return and click on 'Launch Project'.</li>
<pre><code>git clone https://dev.silverstudiogames.org/SilverStudioGames/WTS.git
renpy WTS</code></pre>
## Build
Navigate the GUI in Ren'Py launcher for packaging purposes.
<pre><code>renpy /opt/renpy/launcher distribute WTS --package pc</pre></code>
## License
Source code distributed under the LGPL-3.0 license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.
## Active Developers:
- LoafyLemon - Lead Developer
- Johnny28 - Lead Writer
- Boppin - Lead Artist
## Contributors:
- MaiL, Mo, UE CatBug, Lineup, Soggy, Asease1, Linear, Lupin, Techy, Dr. Noodle
- MadMerlin, DostojevskijSTG, STG Artguy, Crew, Ven, perniciousducks, Cleanzo, Darwin7
- Pinguino, Sandmaster, Amadan, Heretic, Maverick, Anon, MedicBear, TropeCode, Booom313
- CaptainNemo, NotTera, Armise, Cosmic and anonymous.
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